Opting for dental services by orthodontists can be highly beneficial for any individual with a bad bite. Dr. Kami Hoss, the co-founder of Super Dentist and a renowned orthodontist and has been serving in this domain for almost 23 years. According to him, the techniques and tools applied for aligning your crooked teeth depend largely on the type of your bite problem and its severity status. To explore the different benefits of orthodontic treatment, continue reading
Advantages of Orthodontic Treatments
Makes chewing comfortable
People with misaligned teeth or a bad bite generally find it problematic to chew their foods properly. This may result in different issues like poor digestion and restriction of their favorite foods. It naturally hinders the functionality of misaligned teeth. With advanced techniques and tools, orthodontists help people to correct their bite-related issues irrespective of their type. Not only will this improve the aesthetics of your facial shape and make your smile striking but enables you to intake your preferred dishes of foods as you can chew them without any hassle anymore.
Improves your dental and oral health
The biggest problem you must be facing living with misaligned or crowded teeth is that they are challenging to clean. This increases the risk of bacteria growth due to the decaying of wedged food particles and damages your oral health. Consequently, you may experience issues like tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and other dental health issues. The research established that poor oral health may impact physical well-being causing issues like heart disease, pregnancy, birth-related complications, etc. Thus, orthodontic treatments not only help boost your oral health but your physical well-being as well.
Reduces changes of Bruxism
Jaw clenching or teeth grinding is often caused because of overstraining of your jaws due to malocclusion. Also known as bruxism, it can lead to long-term harm to your teeth. An expert orthodontic evaluation and treatment can consistently lessen the chances of experiencing bruxism once your teeth are aligned.
Dr. Kami Hoss is also well-known as an author, speaker, consultant, inventor, and philanthropist.
Aligns your jaws seamlessly
Having an upright jaw alignment is vital to prevent you from future issues like TMJ disorders. Depending on the severity of your misaligned teeth, your orthodontist may recommend having braces, orthodontist retainers, or Invisalign to get your teeth aligned seamlessly within a specified time.
Enhances your speech
Misaligned teeth and jaws often block the ability of an individual to speak properly. One of the common results of slurred speech is overbite as well as underbite. Depending on the condition, an orthodontic can use metal braces or more advanced Invisalign for the correction of bite disorders. If the problem is mild, adopting Invisalign is a great choice because of its many advantages, however, if it is in critical shape, there is no second choice of metal braces or removable retainers.
Restores confidence
Last but not the least, people with misaligned teeth often suffer from self-consciousness. The unsightly look reduces their self-esteem and confidence level. Having orthodontic treatment is a matchless way to rectify your dental problem and in turn, restores your confidence.